

投资人怎么看早期项目? What do investors think of early projects?


we generally refer to projects prior to Series A financing as early-stage projects.


when an investor evaluates an early-stage project, it generally depends on factors such as the industry track where the project is located, team experience, product maturity, number of users, revenue growth rate, and profit growth rate.



first of all, investors will look at the industry track, and generally choose some industries that seem relatively unpopular at this stage but have great potential for subsequent development. Such investment timing is more suitable for early-stage project investors who want to obtain high returns.


for another example, the team is also a very important factor for an entrepreneurial project, and even the decisive factor in some cases, because the execution of the team is often related to the success of the project.


there are also products such as what stage of product research and development has been reached, and whether it has been verified by the market and consumers. The more perfect the product is developed, the greater your positive impact on the project. The more elementary the project, the more negative impact on the project’s valuation. In addition, there are the increase in the number of users and the increase in profit margins.


however, the project before the A round has a big feature, that is, many indicators are uncertain, many standards are also uncertain, and human subjective factors are very strong. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the preliminary project.

为什么需要有估值? Why is there a need for valuation?


since the early projects are so vague, uncertain, and changeable, as the founder of the project, can you not do project valuation? The answer is: no!


the so-called financing is to take money from partners or investors. The entrepreneur should tell the partners how much the project should be worth now. If a partner joins in, based on the role and value of a partner, how much equity should he get? Similarly, if I want to raise funds, then I must tell investors how much my project is valued and how much equity the investors hold in my place.


after the entrepreneur has a valuation of the early project, he can start to talk to the partners and investors about financing. Of course, when the conditions are set, the entrepreneur can float the valuation up a bit. After all, investors generally do To keep prices down, entrepreneurs should neither exaggerate the project valuation without restrictions, nor set the project valuation too low.


how should the early project be valued? We give two simple estimation methods, namely “cost estimation algorithm” and “project comparison method”.

估值技巧1:成本推算法 Cost estimation algorithm


whether talking about partnership or financing, we all need to have a project plan (“BP” for short). How does BP calculate the company's valuation?


entrepreneurs can first calculate a one-year cost budget,including production expenses, labor expenses, management expenses, research and development expenses, marketing expenses, etc., assuming that the total is 2 million, and then assume that the entrepreneur is willing to take out 10% of the equity to raise 200 Ten thousand yuan, then the company’s valuation should be 2 million divided by 10%, which is 20 million yuan.


considering that investors generally lower prices, it can be estimated to 20 million or 25 million based on some existing data, leaving enough room for negotiation.

估值技巧2:项目比较法 Project comparison method


in fact, when many entrepreneurs are doing their own projects, they will feel that their projects are original and others have not done it before, and often after they have done it for a period of time, they will find that they are similar to what others have done. The project has been done by someone else, which usually means that someone else’s project has probably already received financing.


then entrepreneurs can compare, how much financing did you get for the project that received financing at this stage? What was the valuation at that time? If you can get this data, you can compare how much the entrepreneur's own project should be valued.


of course, entrepreneurs must also be clearly aware that the valuations of those projects currently on the market are usually watery. You must squeeze out the moisture before you compare your own projects.


at the same time, we must also pay attention to the question of whether there is a difference between your own project and others' projects in terms of team composition, product development, differences, and even market prospects. If you evaluate your own project based on the difference, it will be closer to the true valuation. This is the so-called “project comparison method.”


the prerequisite for an early project to obtain financing from a partner or investor is to value the project. However, there are many uncertain factors for early projects, how should they be valued? We have introduced two valuation methods today, namely “cost estimation method” and “project comparison method”. I hope it will be helpful to you when you make a project plan.


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